
....And as nature goes, my libido fell, and my wifes increased....or, more directly said, went sky high! And she startet to "demand" sex, but I was not very eager (keep in mind that in all of my twenties and thirties I wanted sex, a lot, but my wife did not, so I felt it a bit unfair).But, I still liked, and enjoyed sex, and my erection was fine too, so I kept her partly happy :)At some point I startet to tease her during sex. Told her how hot it ws to see a dick in her mouth, how sexy it was. I started in the front yard, clipping down the large weeds, the stems growing out of the ground. After I cut the grass and edged. After raking everything up.He (Mr. Scott) offered me lunch. As we ate he said I was welcome to use the pool when I finished bagging everything up in the front. I thanked him, and said I didn't bring my swimsuit. He said not to worry about it, I could go O-natural if I wanted to. I blushed and said I've never done that before. He laughed and said your. Well, I did have vacation time and jumped at the chance to go.My parents were divorced when I was in college, I knew a few of the details, it's hard to keep family stuff fully secret and it seemed that my mother had an affair with her tennis instructor at their club, rather trite, I suppose, but that's what it was.I always got along with both my parents though my dad, as happens with girls, I suppose, has always had a special place in my heart.I gleefully accepted his offer, of course, and. I took a sip catching a cube of ice in my mouth then set it down on the night stand. I laid next beside with a smile on my face then I straddled her body placing my mouth on one of her nipples and I moved the ice cube around and she moved and moaned under me I did the same to the other nipple. Then I went lower I took the ice out of my mouth and I shoved it in to her hot wet pussy she really moved with it inside her and the look on her face was amazing as she took the temperature change in her.
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